Thursday, March 7, 2013


So, the girls are going CAMPING!!!

They practiced setting up tents and had a cook-out!!!

I made some Frijoles Rancheros that the were and I quote "AMAZING!!"

I won't be going......sad face........

I have bigger fish to fry, now.......................................

Genealogy Activity

We had CAKE!!

The internet didn't work so, we tried to get it working and then gave up and ate pizza and cake!!

Then we had a FUNERAL.....


not funerals....

Then we went to LUNCH!!!


Then the Young Women had a class on first-aid.  We have THEE COOLEST Sister Billings that is a Certified CPR instructor among so many other things!  

She trains Emergency, what is the official name of the people that drive ambulances and know what to do in an actual emergency???  Well, she used to be one and now she is the Head Honcho and trains them ALL!!
She has the most awesome, scary and sad rescue stories.  They don't need ghost stories at Young Women Camp if they take Sister Billings!!

Gotta tell you they put all those maniquins on the floor and did CPR to the rhythm of "Staying Alive"  Which I know very well because....I am THAT old!!!!

Then I went to Vegas!!!!

Chinese New Year!!!

We got there right when the Chinese New Year was celebrating!!  What is it this year?  The year of the Dragon???

I suppose it says so right there!!!!

Ceasars Palace!!



2 Floors of huge lanterns!!

Ay que BONITO!!!



This was sometime is February and it was too cold and dry for me!!  Loving my South Texas Heat and Humidity!!!