Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mrs. Sibyl Fowler Mattar

This is Mrs. Mattar. This picture is exactly as I remember her!  I've been thinking of her and can honestly say I'm here playing the piano because of her.  She was my music teacher in the 7th and 8th grade. She tried to educate us little mexicans at Mary Hoge Jr. High in Weslaco, Tx  about the great composers.  I was mezmerized.  I learned about Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, and Tchaikovsky.  How Beethoven went deaf and Tchaikovsky fell in love with a ballerina that didn't like him.  She'd play these great big records and we'd hear the history.  I was dissapointed when the bell rang.  I remember there being an exam and her picking some students to learn to play the piano.  She had pianos in the hallways and in the closet and in her office.  2 students per piano.  There was an old one in the ensemble room that some kid had thought it funny to pour acid in the inside and watch the foam curdle.  The school district had gotten it fixed.

She took us to the library once to watch a musical.  Her disclaimer was that she wasn't particularly fond of said musical and didn't like the way the main character was portayed but, she had to show it to us because it was a course requirement.  The musical was Jesus Christ Superstar and well, I didn't like it either.  Too many hippies, as my dad would say.

She was very prim and proper.  Once, she let me practice in her office, usually only the GOOD students practiced there, and I could not believe all the plaques and diplomas she had. The walls were covered and I have to say I got a small glimpse of who this lady, my music teacher, was.  I was impressed.

I never saw her again after the 8th grade.  She passed away this past March 23, 2011.

Thank you, Mrs. Mattar!!

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