Sunday, January 20, 2013

Youth Dance

I knew it was going to be a good day when I was making  breakfast and the second egg I cracked open had 3 yolks.  Lookey Here!!!  I gotta add that to Instagram!!!!

The kids had a dance at my church last night.  The kids. When" I" dance, I look like Elaine.  Seinfeld. Go to youtube and search "Elaine dancing Seinfeld episode".  I'm so cool!!!!!

I went to help decorate.  Yup!  When I got there, this is what I found:

It was already done!! I liked the snowflakes. Half of the gym had tables and the lights were on and the other half was the dance floor. The lights were off.  I wasn't dressed for no dance and my dance partner was out eating tacos so, I sat in the corner and had fun people watching.

The snack table had cheese and ham, salad and a wide assortment of delicious cupcakes.  I don't know which ward brought them but, they were good!!!!!  I love my "KeiKitos!!!"  (cupcakes!!)

So did these guys!!!

I thought it was funny how at first they stood around talking.  Shy!!

The music was varied.  We even had Cumbias, Guapangos, El Caballo Dorado, and Cotton-eyed Joe (The remix)  Macarena and some line dances I hadn't heard but the words tell you what to do, go figure!!!!!!

 I lived in Mexico for the longest time and it's refreshing to see young people are cool everywhere you go!!!

Suddenly, everybody would get up!  And then everybody would sit down.

Note to self:  Get up and take pictures with LESS FLOOR!!!!

Such good looking Fresh Young Minds!!!!!

Everybody had a good time!!  I didn't see anybody crying or anything!!  And it AMAZING  how fast cleanup was when everybody pitched in!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Princess Diaries

It was so good to see so many PRINCESSES at the activity last night.  One little princess got there a good 15 minutes before everybody else and left so, we missed her.  But, I got your book dearie!!! Well, we started the activity with scraps of fabric, glue guns, and composition books.  I showed the girls how to do it and off they went!! Hands a-flying!!!!

They sure work faster than ME!!!!

Ay!  Que Prutty!!!

I think I saw two girls combining fabric, Interior Designers in the making!!!!! Mine is Dora la ExploraDora!!!

Here are some more!  I loved the dalmatian hearts!  Cruella de Ville is my favorite Disney Villan, along with Maleficent!! Love the coat and the cape, that's all.

I wanted to make the birthday sweet 16 a Choco-Flan cake but lacked the molds so, I made Choco-brownies and Flan. There you go!  All documented and everyTING!!!!
I've been thinking..........
Next weeks activity will have to be about frogs and princesses!!!