Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I'm always one for a good short cut.  My shortcuts never turn out very good.  Ask any of my kids.  One time while I was taking a shortcut, we ran out of gas on King's Ranch, ran into some young kids trying to get to Houston, talked to the border patrol, saw the border patrol haul off the poor undocumented kids to a safe place and arrived at the girls camp in time for dinner.  I don't take short cuts anymore unless someone has already traveled that way and can tell me, if the road is good, are there many deer, towns, check points, cops.

My nephew is wanting to learn music and asked my daughter what the shortcut was. She burst out laughing because she had looked for it, too!  And let me tell you if I knew it I'd say......... BUT, There is no shortcut.  You have to sit down and dedicate time to learning the stuff.  If you play an instrument for an example, the piano, well, practice, practice, practice and when you think you know it really well, well,........... you don't.  If you don't believe me play, in front of an audience.  You'll discover the small places where you still need to practice, practice, practice.

Shortcut??  There is NO ShortCUT!!!!!

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